book of account
英 [bʊk ɒv əˈkaʊnt]
美 [bʊk əv əˈkaʊnt]
- a record in which commercial accounts are recorded
- they got a subpoena to examine our books
- The book of Acts just looks more like a history; it looks more like a historical account.
而使徒行传则更像一本历史;,看起来更像历史性的解释。 - Please show me your passbook. A passbook is a small book recording the amount of money you pay in or take out of a savings account at a bank.
请给我你的存折,存折是记录你在银行的存款和支取金额的小本子。 - Account book must be set up in sorting out and surveying land, and the aim of synthesized utilization of the account book be achieved.
国土整理测量必须建立土地台帐,并达到综合利用土地台帐的目的。 - Any person who for the purpose of evading any stamp duty or penalty payable under this Ordinance falsifies, mutilates or destroys any book of account or other instrument whatsoever commits an offence.
任何人为逃避缴付根据本条例须缴付的印花税或罚款,而捏改切割或毁灭任何帐簿或其它文书,即属犯罪。 - Consider the problem of computing the net price of a specific Book item, taking into account the shop discount and any governmental taxes such as a value added tax.
在考虑计算特定Book条目净值的问题时,请考虑商店的折扣和政府的税金(例如增值税)。 - At the turn of the last century, anthropologists Spencer and Gillen, in their book The Northern Tribes of Central Australia ( 1904), provided a classic account of the extraordinary shaman genre.
伊尔姆瑙之交的上个世纪,人类学家斯宾塞和吉伦在其书北部落中央澳大利亚(1904年),提供了一个典型的帐户特别巫师流派。 - The Book of Changes, "Hsi Tzu". RRT combines the two theories to account for rhetorical relations in a systemic-functional way.
[3]见《周易-系辞上》。修辞关系理论将二者相结合,以系统功能的观点来阐述修辞关系。 - Meanwhile, the best-selling book become an important source of profits to the press on account of the due to the cut-throat competition of book market.
同时我国图书市场激烈的竞争让畅销书成为各家出版单位盈利的重要来源之一。 - Quantification is mainly discussed in three aspects: 1. The application of the methods of book keeping, 2.Apply the compensation theory of ecological benefits and social benefits of forest to account, 3.The method of statistical account accounting.
量化主要从三个方面入手探讨,1.运用会计核算的方法,2.运用生态效益和社会效益补偿性理论进行核算,3.统计帐户核算方法。 - Book value: The net amount at which an asset appears on the Books of account.